
This collection and the experience is truly UNFORGETTABLE! I didn’t realize just what God had planned when He gave me the name and vision of this collection. I originally thought it was just a catchy name for my debut collection.

I was in for a ride and all I can do is thank God that He took the wheel. 7 days and 5 pieces, I cried, I prayed, I worked, I learned, I overcame, I succeeded. Challenges make champions. After going through all that I went through to bring my designs into fruition, I appreciate my craft and my abilities so much more.

In life we all go through trials… You lose your job, you find out God wanted you to start your own company. You lose a friend, you find out they were only holding you back from your destiny. You make a mistake, only to find out it was just what you needed to kill your fear of rejection. In short, there’s no pain without purpose… Challenges make champions. Whatever you’re faced with is here/there to give you an opportunity to grow.

UnFURgettable was the ultimate test for me. This year I set a goal, “Become more confident in my fashion design abilities.” In 7 days my hands, heart and soul created a 5 piece collection with no one to guide me but the Lord. My goal was accomplished and honestly, had it not been for this collection, I might not have realized how much I’ve grown.

I designed and sewed my first dress last September. Before then, I had no prior skills or training in sewing. Had I been tasked with this 5 piece collection a year ago, I would have fainted. I didn’t have the confidence that I now have. GROWTH! 

I’m so thankful. I had a plan for my life. God’s plan, WAYYY BETTER! I choose Him and His way, excited to see what else God has in store for me. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by all of the opportunities He’s sending my way, but I always remember the words of my professor… "God won’t give you a stage to embarrass you."

If He brought you to it, He’ll bring you through it.

Can I get "AMEN" somebody?

 UnFURgettable Collection

Public Speaker  Public Speaker UnFURgettable

UnnFURgettable Hoodie UF Hoodie

UnFURgettable Gown UF Gown

UnFURgettable Two Piece UF Two Piece UF Dress UnFURgettable Dress

Mommy & Vaeh  Vaeh UnnFURgettable

(If you see something you like, feel free to place an order here)


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