
After 3 years it's complete. 

Covered in continuous prayer and designed with each customer/client/friend in mind, it's a proud day to announce the official launch of! This website has been in my spiritual womb for over 3 years and the amount of patience this has taken is so humbling. 

Welcome to SOUL FOOD. The intention of my blog is to use my life and my philosophy to help empower women, onset an evolution and multiply women in leadership. There is a leader inside every woman, whether she believes it or not. You are THAT GIRL and when you begin feeding from SOUL FOOD, YOU WILL BEGIN TO BELIEVE WHAT IS ALREADY TRUE ABOUT YOU!

Let's grow together. No one is perfect and we've all come short a time or two (or three). There are two mistakes I actively learn from, MINE & OTHER PEOPLE'S. So as I begin to share my triumphs and trials, please feel free to do the same! I'm big on (establishing) community because I know God didn't design us to do life alone. 

I pray this blog reaches and touches the lives of many. I pray that it's impactful and that everyone feels at home here. God has a plan for all of us and there are so many people attached to our legacy. It's important that we position ourselves to receive all that God has for us. I'm NOT missing out on God's goodness, ARE YOU?

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