Failure or Strategy?


After 6 years at Mississippi State, Nov 2020 I graduated with my Bachelors of Arts Degree in Communications. (This is a chapter of my life that I will gradually unfold over time. So much happened in me, to me and through me during this time.)

Mississippi State University GraduateMsstate Graduate.      Mccomas Hall at MSU

When I graduated, all I knew was that I was moving to Georgia with my daughter and ex-fiancé at the time. After a month of furnishing our new home, “I” began planning my next steps.  But, God intervened. A month after moving into and furnishing my new home in Georgia I moved back to my parents house with no hesitation and NO PLAN.

She is clothed with strength and dignity....

I remember the enemy trying so hard to discourage and drive me into depression at this time. Constant thoughts and reminders of how I had no job, no plans and my daughter and I were living with my parents. No matter how heavy those thoughts became, I always found a way to remain at peace. I was going through a storm but I was in the eye of the hurricane. (This chapter of my life deserves it's own post, i'll revisit this at a later time) Not long after I moved back home, I graduated from Real Estate School and then started my career at WLBT. 

Real Estate LicensureWLBT & Fox40

Chile... Talk about happy! I was convinced that this had to be the reason God moved me back to Mississippi. My very first real job and I'm working in my field for Mississippi's number 1 news station. Not mention how I told my classmates, for years, that I would be working there (Power of your words). Truly felt like I was living a dream in real life. I absolutely loved my coworkers and the work environment at WLBT. Your experience and your perception is completely what you make of it and not based on the thoughts, actions and feelings of those outside of you. 

Howard BallouMaggie Wade

Deep sigh..... As much as i enjoyed working at WLBT and entertaining everyone who enjoyed my outfits of the day, I just did't feel fulfilled in my career. Despite being offered a promotion, I decided to end my career with NO PLAN. 

Boy was the devil busy, once more. No job and no plan. 

So.... I began praying. Fervently praying to God for purpose. Lord, I just want to feel fulfilled in whatever I do. While i waited on God, I continued working on my website and promoting my services on social media. 3 long months went by and one night on Aug 17, 2021, I walked into my destiny. For as long as I can remember I have been advising people on what to wear, however this day was so important because it was my FIRST paid consultation.

God is so strategic and faithful. 

In the midst of doing something that i've been doing all my life, I stumbled into my purpose. That night I left that consultation, I had a conversation with my mom and the next day I enrolled into Hinds Community College for Fashion Design. 

The devil fought me hard, from the very first day of class until December 2022. I went through so much during this season, but nothing could deter me from finishing my first semester of design school. I asked God for strength and lets just say I became strong through my weakness.

In loving memory of my grandmother. 

Fast forward a year later, I graduated SUMA CUM LAUDE from Hinds. 


So many times "my" plans failed. Although I haven't listed EVERYTHING that has taken place up to this point, I've had moments where I felt like a failure. BUT GOD! You know the scripture, ..,you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good,..Any time I "thought" I came face to face with failure, God proved it was a part of His plan. Failure is not so scary when you accept the plans God has for you. 

You will feel like a failure at some point in your life. Your marriage, FAILED. Your child went to prison, parenting FAILED. You were laid off, career FAILED. This list goes on. Any time you're faced with failure, don't panic.... PRAY! Remember that Purpose follows Pain and our God is STRATEGIC. 

When I ended my engagement and moved back home with no plans, I had no idea I would end up working for the news 3 months later and moving into my own home 5 months after that. When I ended my career with no plan, I had no idea I'd stumble into the only passion that has ever truly fulfilled me. All the twists and turns of my life has lead me to this point, and I must say that I'm so thankful for every high and every low. 

Excited for all God has in store and no matter what comes or goes, I know I will always win inn the end. Thank God for who He is and for His word that never lies. 


Can retrace a time where you were face to face with failure and God showed up for you? Leave a comment below.

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