BIRTH-day Collection

November 17, 2023 is the Birthday of my dream. 9 days before this day, I unintentionally wrote the vision (Habakkuk 2:2) not knowing I'd be given the opportunity to BEGIN.

The Vision:

A dream I would like to come true is combining my passion for Fashion Design and Public Speaking on a National and International level for the building up of mankind and the expansion of God's Kingdom.

Write the vision

The Opportunity:

Design a mini collection and develop a speech for my position as Guest Speaker & Designer for Yazoo County's FIRST Fall Fashion Show. 



My heart was (is still) full of gratitude and awe of God. I have done so many things over the years but nothing comes close to making me feel fulfilled as Fashion Design ad Public Speaking.

Past Passios

After pausing my career at WLBT News Station, I asked God for purpose in my profession. After three months of fervent prayer, I stumbled into my purpose. All I can do is Thank God. The story is still being written but so much has happened in just 16 months. I'm excited to see what God does next. 

Production BIRTH-Day Collection

My advice to you:

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed (Proverbs 16:3). God is not a cliché or just something our elders bring up during conversation. I only tell people what has worked for me and/or what I've done personally. I can tell you without a doubt, if you truly seek God for your purpose, for your next step, for anything, He will direct and/or answer you. 

Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it (Habakkuk 2:2). Test God's word for yourself. Write your vision, believe that you will attain it and watch God move mountains for you. The other part of this scripture usually gets looked over but be mindful of this: For the vision is yet for an "APPOINTED TIME" but at the end it will speak, and not lie. Though it "TARRIES, WAIT FOR IT;" because it WILL SURELY COME, it will not tarry (Habakkuk 2:3). God stands outside of time. You may write your vision today and it comes to pass in the next 2, 5, or 10 years. Don't give up or give in, remember God's word also says, He will renew your strength (Isaiah 40:31). 

I don't know when God is going to allow me to speak and host a fashion show over seas in Paris, but I know that one day HE WILL and I will be ready. So until then, I will continue to work the field I've been given and commit my plans to God (Colossianns 3:23). It is my hope and prayer that YOU will do the same. 

AMOS 9:13

Do you have a vision for your life, work, family, etc? 

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